Does THIS BLURS MY Textures ?

I read in a Thread that 1 unit in blender = 1 Meter.
The GE considers so and blurs things at a distance.
Well in my game MechaCop i think i have exagerrated things too much
The MechaCop Size = 10, Weapons are at least 5 & the smallest room is 100X100.
I was wondering when i created monsters why Sumo restricts size to 10 !
Is this why my textures even if i make them sharp, go blurred !
I was testing this. Hope some one would give me some confrimation or i am doing something else wrong.

The orange tile texture was stretched on a 50X50 plane face. The Texture Face was scaled - i think atleast 200. The nearest seems bit sharp and others are blurred. And it shivers when MechaCop moves - due to over scaling i suppose

I remade it - scaled down everything - 5 X 5 plane, MechaCop Size = 1
It seems much clear & Sharp
Is this the problem with my Textures.
Is it normal to have the Player character with Size = 1 :frowning:

the one MechWarrior I created said it stood 10 meters high. Humans are usually like 1.5 to 2 meters tall. I would think you want a cop to be taller than most humans to physically tower over them, but not so large as to hamper moving inside a building. So, something like 2.2 meters would be good.

No. The Player (Mecha) is just the size of humans.
I have made this game in which i have made everything including levels and Enemy and every object too big - that is the smallest room is 50 x 50 according to blender units.
But blender consider 1 unit as 1 meter - so does this blurs my Textures ?

That’s called mipmapping. It’s designed to prevent different textures from looking flickery and “pixelly.” Try turning it off and you’ll see the difference.

No PlantPerson - If Mipmap is on - it is nice and if it is off - it looks bad see it.,
But still does the distance problem creates blurs as i told

there are only so many pixel on a monitor your taking a a decent sized texture and shrinknig it and repeating it. Ofcourse details are going to be lost. I can’t offer any advice on the shimer that a combo of the texture and opengl. Only work around is change the texture or possibly zigzag your unwraping. The zigzag is used to get rid of issues for large ocean scenes, but no idea if it will work here

In Physics Button - Actor - Dynamic - Size what is the normal size that you guys set - I think it will be usually just 1 - the default
I think that’s where i made the folly.
I created everything big - so the entire level goes for 2000 meters and Blender Blurs out even the nearest textures because the nearest distance to camera according to blender is 10 meters !

Hey Jessegp it was you who said 1 blender unit = 1 meter
Do you think that as i Created over-sized objects everthing gets blurred !
Could you please confirm it
Thanks Jessegp for the tip !

Thats kind of tricky. What I know is that do to mip mapping textures get blurred. I’m not entirely sure of all the different things that seem to affect mip mapping. I know distance, but I also believe the angle the camera views the surface may have an effect. If you want to get around the mipblur you could just continue scaling things down that might work. I think someone with a lot of knowledge on the ketsi engine would have to answer this question. Which kind of means snailrose unless there’s another. I haven’t constructed any large level so my observations are all based off of smaller objects.

1 meter 1 blender unit applies to the physics engine. I can’t be sure if ketsi plays by the same rules.

I think I’m miss spelling the renderer (ketsi but its sounds like catchy) yep its suppose to be ketsji

Thanks Jessegp

there are only way two was currently in blender to get better texture filtering… blender uses linear texture filtering which is rubbish but very fast (which is probally why they use it cos of the speed)… hence the blurring of the mip maps when you move the camera…

1: enable the Ani-Stropic filtering… if not supported… then Tri-linear filtering on your graphics card and crank up the sample to 16… or 8 or 4… (for slow graphics cards)… or Bi-linear filtering if your card doesn’t have Tri-linear filtering.

the hard one! Write a GLSL shader that takes control of the texture and does Ani-Stropic filtering, Tri-linear or Bi-linear filtering… if you can figure out how to do this… you can decide to filter specific textures differently depending on their importance.

You talk of things i have unheard of Kirado !
Anyway thanks !
i will try to think about them - what you said seems too complicated i suppose.
I Think i’ll make my textures cartoony as that will not need sharp textures and more over will make more fun.