This question has probably been asked a hundred times before, so here I go
I have rendered both a Z pass and a Mist pass out of Blender as OpenEXR. I am able to import them in After Effects. But as soon as I set any of them as DOF map using the Camera Lens Blur effect, I get these blurred edges. What am I doing wrong here?
Show what you are getting. Post DOF is a hack, there is only so far you can go with it until you run into artifacts. Show the image so we know if it is actually a fixable problem or not.
Post DOF Blurs pixels available to it, so if the distance is blurred but theres a foreground object laying over it, then that distant blur will affect the foreground edge. The only way to really avoid it is to render in layers.
Yeah sorry, There is simply no way to make the blur function ignore the 2 adjoining pixels. Alternatively you could try cutting around the foreground object then use the infill node to patch the background with its own colors.
Just curious: does this problem come from AE or from Blender?
I mean, I used to work in Cinema 4D with the FrischLuft plugin, and I never had any problems…
Not sure how the C4D plugin works but Blender’s Post DOF effect is not renowned for being accurate. So I guess you could say its a Blender issue but I don’t think its a bug, just a poor strategy for this type of effect.