Hello everybody, it’s been a long time I’ve not posted a message here, and the meanwhile our beloved software Blender have had a lot of improvements, so I made a test of the new node (Defocus) it’s amazing and yet very simple to use so here’s a video showing the result. (the flame is made with particles post processed with nodes , all in blender !)
Thanks Lasphere, yes the Defocus node is in the new RC1: I’m using the linux version. To reach it : add>filters>Defocus in composite node menu, and it’s really very cool.
Here’s the setup that helped me to make the flame…(capture) . thanks.
Hello everybody, thanks for your replies.
eaglebreath : I’m not sure to understand your question, but if you mean those nodes on the left, these are 2 layers (the flame on one layer and the rest on the other layer), this is because I experienced some trouble rendering the flame and the plane in the same layer (the flame was not visible), and the second thing is that if I isolate the flame I can apply the post-process just on it so it can have the look of of a real flame :o .