Doing 3d like chapter3

Does anybody know how to build 3d models similar to those found at I can do the post production work but I am new to the 3d and looking to learn the pre production(all the awesome 3d modeling) work. any helps? suggestions? tutorials?

Go back in the Blender General forum and look there:


There’s a nice thread called tutorial list or something like this. It’s really unclear as to what’s suppose to be in the thread with a title like this, and it’s really not usefull for anyone. %|


Hello Nikelh

You’re surely a nice guy
But, when I would check the chapter thing I got this message:

" This website is not available for Netscape users. Please download Internet Explorer if you would like to view this site. "

Here, most Blender users are windows boycotters
But, our work can be watched by everyone with “everything”
Well, welcome aboard

“Here, most blender users are windows boycotters”.


Personally, I do not boycott ANYTHING. Using all tools available at your disposal is call versatility. Linux users have managed to bash windows over the years, Billy G. is evil…Microsoft is sooooo horrible.

I do use windows on occasion…Yes, a very much modified version, and default settings are almost always never in the end users interest, BUT

Linux will never be as popular as windows. Why would you want it to be.

Keep as many people in the dark about their operating system as possible, so in the future people like me can exploit their lack of knowledge for monetary gain.