Doing a Turntable

I saw a simple description here recently of how to set up a turntable for a model, but can’t find it and have forgotten a couple of steps. Anyone?

For my wall-e turntable I just put up a bezier or nurbs curve and scaled it up and moved it above the object. Then selected my camera and then the curve and hit Ctrl+T and then it snapped… well not where I wanted it to go. So then I selected the camera again and hit Alt+O and that usualy works. Now if you hit Alt+A it should go around your object. Just adjust the Path Len in the edit buttons to determine the ammount of frames one rotation takes. Good luck!

Hmm, tried that and camera didn’t snap and didn’t move. Is there something else I need to do first?

Is this what you’re looking for?

OK, 'twas Dudebot13 who previously posted the solution, except that it was Ctrl-P not Ctrl-T to follow path.

what happened to the good ol “parent with empty” technique? just parent the camera to an empty in the centre and make that rotate… much easier than working with paths… just a z-axis motion…
