
Hi all, am I going crazy or did the site have a PayPal donation link.

I can’t find where it is, but people have donated.

I see it at the top left corner:
Blender Artists Forums > Support > Website & Forum

But the donate one is not a link
Nor do I see any other reason for it to be there.
Perhaps the site has a bug and it should be a link?

Edit: I did find this:
Maybe you could pay them to post your render and call it a donation:p under the guise of advertising

Neonstarlight: What you see is the name of this thread :stuck_out_tongue: lol.

Thanks for the reply. I donated to the main Blender site. Do not know if that benifits this site?

It doesn’t but that’s ok. I removed the donation button for now, it wasn’t used a lot. an alternative system for donations is being set up at the moment.

Let us know when it is active.

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