Doodles and MAYBE a blog... or something...

Howdy! I got stuff. Page of doodles i did at work a couple days ago:

And now, just some random older stuff, most of these are over a year old. I originally scanned them for a website i was putting together at the time, but ended up scrapping it:

Now, i post all this stuff for no real reason, except to maybe lend a bit of… i dunno… credibility to the idea that I have been thinking lately of starting some kind of blog / site / wiki or something where people can learn how to draw. I have been learning on my own for some time, and in surveying the ‘how to draw’ landscape on the internet i think there’s really a lack of decent sites or resources. There’s and a few random sites with little information and that’s pretty much it. So i thought maybe I’d jump into to fil a gap or two. is a great resource for beginning artists, but that place in the past couple years has gotten so crowded and noisy that it’s often hard to find what you’re looking for even when you know exactly where it is.

I’ve already started the Blog, and once i get a decent amount of stuff on it, but right now it’s not ready for prime time. I mean, I’m not Rembrandt or anything, but i feel like i might have a good idea on where to start and some information people would probably find useful. There’s so much crap art instruction on the net, i would really like to have a site that teaches people how to really draw.

Anyway, thanks for lookin’ :smiley:

Great drawings! Start a blog and post the address here!

good doodles

Wow. I think your (ninguai?) and the man on the left in the last image are just fantastic! Keep it up! :slight_smile:

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Like your style man!

Keep them coming!

Doodle :smiley: