Doomsloop Scene Progress

This is my largest project as of yet. I’ll be using it for the cover of a book I wrote. Feel free to point out stuff that needs improvement (everything does actually). If you could direct me to tutorials that would be awesome.

Should I put the sea monster in or not? I’m not sure if I will be able to texture him satisfactorily. The ocean didn’t turn out too good. Looked too much like snowy mountains.
I’m thinking of removing all particle hair and modelling it instead.
The skin looks bad. I have attempted to follow a tutorial to use a three layer SSS shader but the results looked even worse.
Any tips on sword materials?

my computer goes nuts when I click your urls. please use the attachment feature.

My computer doesn’t like the attachment feature. I click ‘upload’, and nothing happens.
The url’s work fine for me.

Can nobody but me access the images?

An updated version. I textured the seamonster and added some little details.

I’d really appreciate something…

The sea monster looks REALLY good now that it’s textured. And what is the book called?

As far as the ocean goes, I’d definitely lose the foam. The foam feature on the ocean modifier NEVER gives good results. I’d love to be proven wrong on that, though. Love the composition (especially the one with the textured sea monster; looks great).

Thank you for the compliment, Animaniac. My novel is called Doomsloop. It’s a pirate/fantasy type book. Do you write?
Yeah, CMWharton, the foam really dissapointed me. I’m still trying to decide if I even need the ocean since the camera is at an upward angle. Maybe just a bit showing above the rock, to set the stage, so to speak.

Try using tinypic instead.

then you can use image tags rather than have people click out, and as far as i know there’s no bandwidth cap.

Bit to much glow in my opinion :stuck_out_tongue: