I’ve been trying to learn walk cycles lately with varying degrees of success – specifically I want to get into creating them (or any repetitive animation) in the dope sheet which strikes me as more precise than the timeline (and everyone seems to be doing it with the dope sheet).
The problem arises when I try to use keyframes on my rig that don’t seem to do anything/cancel each other out(?). Turns out when I hit ‘record’ in the timeline my dope sheet animating also works – but isn’t the whole point of working with individual keyframes that you don’t need to turn on global record (and potentially animate stuff you don’t want to)?
Also could it have to do with the orange bars between the keyframes (which aren’t present in the dope sheet when I’m approaching the animation with the global timeline method)?
I’ve attached my walk cycle .blend to the post.
Blender 2.76 (also doesn’t work in 2.78) (also doesn’t work in 2.77)
OSX 10.6.8
can’t see the file right now but it could mean you have several actions attached to your character. By default only one is active, but all are displayed in the dopesheet. To check whether you have several actions, change the dopesheet mode to action editor and open the dropdown.
That doesn’t seem to be the problem – at the moment, my best guess is that it just doesn’t work unless global record button is turned on then everything appears to work ok – when I think inserting keyframes should always work.
Another weird thing about it is that after recording (or not as case may be) a keyframe it does kind of start to do a tiny bit of animating but it’s very blink and miss, then just stays put.