DOS utensils!

Hello, during my time at media design school (Auckland) I wrote these little batch files to make my life easier. They will work on windows platforms only.

Updating Linked Library files:

You know how it is when working with linked files. You don’t want to always work in the one file that is being referenced but rather keep versions and descriptions in the filename. This results in going in and overwriting the libraryFile_REF.blend every time you want to update the actual library file. This batch will look for the most recent one and will update the _REF file with it.
This could probably be solved fairly easy from within python as well, but I wrote it for Maya and wanted downwards compability and well, since I already wrote it, someone might find it useful. Calling it from Blender should also be easily possible.


  1. put bat into blend files directory:
  2. All library files need to be put in their own directory (like above)
  3. add relative path to library directory in updateRefList
  4. run


Clean up blender backup files:

Lists and asks whether to delete all blend1 and blend2 files except the most recent.


  1. put bat in parent directory to the blend directory (it will search all below)
  2. run


Maybe someone finds it useful. Just sharing.