Dose not render

I am renering a 3d model with lights and stuff but when I press render button…it still like this and it dose not start render anything…any help?

More information could be useful - put screenshot with your blender window in this post, or add .blend file.

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From the screenshot it is rendering… thought it’s still loading object ‘Mesh’. Possible causes are an huge amount of detail, too many particles/hairs, or modifiers, and so on.

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Seems that the rendering started, but something (probably the complexity of your project) slows it down. You can:

  • simplify your project (reduce particles if you have them, decrease the models poly count - by retopology)
  • distribute objects to more layers and render them separately
  • use some render cloud services
  • or just wait patiently till it finishes :wink:
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thank you all…I decresed the models poly count…and It worked…:muscle::ok_hand::v: