Maybe you should just email him? It’s gotta be doug at you never know he might be a really nice bloke with nothing better to do. Make sure to ask him what he thinks of Blender though.
I met him a few years ago at my brother’s wedding (my brother & his wife both work for ILM) just b4 Star Wars 1 came out.
However, please realise that given his reputation he probably gets flooded with stuff like this all the time - it’s worth a shot, just dont’t be disappointed if you just get the brush off.
On the Blender front - as you’ve probably seen by now from his web site he’s very much a ‘traditional’ artiist/ designer. That is he comes up with the concept stuff & doesn’t really touch the CGI side too much other than (in the case of Star Wars) to say whether it matches the images in his head or not - if that makes sense…
lol thanks man, you can hook me up witha phoen interview
BTW i am an industrial designer, so yeah i will ahve the same qualifications as he does. it will help because i may end up i the exact same field of work and position that he is in.