Downloading the correct Python?

Hi, got new hard drive so I need new blender.

Can someone tell me what all these versions are for and thus help me figure out which version I need to download?

* Gzipped source tar ball (3.0) (sig)
* Bzipped source tar ball (3.0) (sig)
* Windows x86 MSI Installer (3.0) (sig)
* Windows AMD64 MSI Installer (3.0) (sig)

I have Windows XP Professional version 2002 with service pack 3, Intel® Pentium ® 4 CPU 3.40 GHz 2.00Gb ram.

You want version 2.5 for a start (the links look like they might be version 3.0).

Second, unless you have 64 bit XP (unlikely) then you want Windows x86 MSI Installer.

Hope this helps.

Just to clarify how to figure out what is the correct version of Python for your version of Blender. When you start Blender the first line in the console window will say:

Compiled with Python version 2.x.x (where the x’s will vary between versions and Operating Systems).

(official Windows Blender 2.48a will say version 2.5.2) that’s the full version you should download from

The next choice is which OS you’re running Windows, Mac, Linux etc. to select the correct installer.


IanC and

Thanks to you both, I now have a working Blender! Brilliant!

I originally downloaded version 2.6 because that was the latest version, but it makes sense to use version 2.5.2 since that’s the version that Blender 2.48 (the latest version of Blender) says it’s compiled with when it starts up.