I’m making a game with lots of buildings. The lights, the camera, and the buildings are all on the same layer. For some reason sections of my buildings respond to the light where as other sections are black (because they respond to light on the opposite side. Is there a way to make the sections of the building respond to one side versus the other?
This may be confusing.
I want the exterior walls of the buildings to respond to the light sources in front of them rather than behind them.
If this doesn’t make sense, I’ll try to word it differently.
If you want to have interior lights that affect interior walls you can combine the last tip z3r0 d (having a wall with “Double Sided” disabled and normals pointing outside) all that in one layer and having another layer for interior walls with the same configuration as the outside walls but instead of having it’s normals pointing outside, they will point inside so that they react to the lights inside…