Ok!, ain’t got the time for more right now!
In fact, I consider the car finished but I’m still looking for a good idea
for the final scene(that’s always my problem!!)
(And I know, as some of you will notice, it’s missing a steering wheel!)
(bad idea for driving in the turns :o )
Very cool! You could just say that the stick shift is a fly-by-wire driving stick .
Very cool looking car. But how is it steering when their is no steering?
Possesed by the demon of constant turns?
Nice model! I like the organic-looking design, the colors, and the level of detail.
what was that rendered in?
Rendered in Blender 2.23 on my old 350Mhz
WOW very nice detail, i’m lovin those nice curves. great work =)
I love the paint job and the rivets
The car obviously has no steering wheel because it is detachable, as a security measure. The owner of that fine machine wants to discourage theft
hahaha yeah, they should put that in all cars =P
once again great work, love the tire details =D
i love it! especially the front end! amazing amazing… great attention to detail with all the parts of the front wheels…oh, and the interior is aweosme and creative 8) but where are my death spikes and guns!?! wow, that would look so cool with a gatling gun mounted in the middle or the sides hmmm? hmmm?
Hey, grandpa’ you did it already, didn’t you? 8)
no gatling on this one(I think the next will have one!)
did what? pop a gatling on a car? yeah still! throw on any kind of gun on a car and it looks cool!
cool, theres gonna be a next one? awesome!
goo good good stuff
Its not carmaggendon you know!
great beach car !!! :o
Are those Envmaps from this scene or another?
Hi, the only envmap used in the scene is applied on the windscreen and it’s a four shot pic that I took in my little town.
The others(on the chrome etc…) are procedurals (linear and radial blends)