DR-Robot Telescope Goldfish 🐠

  • procedural blender animation WIP
  • full animation sequence currently in production :grin:
  • the eyes-shutter is made with geonodes.

the second animated video here on insta is also with shaded view and wireframe;


This is absolutely incredible! You said the animation was procedural- can you share more details about that? I’d also love to see your shader setups for the fins. Really, I’m in love with this work and would love any further details you can provide :slight_smile:


Are the eyes aperture? Cool mech!


Very cool!

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Absolutely beautiful!

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Awesome work!

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Hi Joseph, i’m happy you like it. The fish actually is an older model of mine i just refurbished a bit. The procedural animation is based on a bone-script on the rotationaxis that just adds up the rotation on each bone a bit, depending on the values you insert for the multiplication and speed. The eyes (shutter) was actually my first time using geonodes. I looked up a tutorial on the internet and adapted it to my version as i could not find what i wanted exactly. Here is a screenshot of my fins shader-setup (nothing too fancy actually). I mixed 3 textures to get the final result, but the main texture you see here in the screenshot :wink:


Yes they are, and thank you!

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Thanks, great info :slight_smile: how did you do the grocery nodes? I can see a way to do it with a Boolean but that seems slow, did you use a Boolean to mask the outer edges of the armature or a different method?

thx, it’s actually just a model that is instanced and the rotation and placement are defined via geonodes. (a bit sketchy, but it works :wink: )

(hope this helps)


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thx Bart, really aprechiate it! :raised_hands:

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Super Nice!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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awesome, THX!

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It is a beautiful mechanical fish. :tropical_fish: