Dr. Slump Cover With Grease Pencil

I had this drawing on my hard drive that I found while I was checking out how Grease Pencil works with the new version of Blender, and I thought I’d share it.

This project was created using Grease Pencil in March 2024.

I made this reproduction following the untimely death of Akira Toriyama. The drawing was created with a mouse, without the use of a graphics tablet.
I utilized subdivision surfaces applied to a mesh to create contours over the cover of Volume n°2 of the original manga Dr Slump, then, I converted these meshes into Grease Pencil objects and completed the drawing by filling in the fields with colors.

I frequently employ this technique for creating technical drawings as well, because I am accustomed to using Blender, and this method is much simpler than others for creating vector drawings as for example than with Inkscape.
Additionally, drawings created in this manner can be saved in PDF or SVG format, so it is perfect when I’ve to do something with vector graphics.

Final Rendering

Blender 3D view with project.



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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@bartv Wow, unexpected, I’m very pleased, thank you, and have a good weekend too.