Drag vertices one by one without selecting them

Could you remind me - there was a specific way to enter edit mode and be able to drag any vertex under the cursor without selecting them and seemed like move tool is always active. Probably similar to grab brush in sculpt mode…


In Object Mode, press O to turn on Proportional Editing. switch to edit mode, use your scroll wheel to adjust the radius

Maybe the tweak tool ?? Insteed of select box/circle,lasso just move vertices where the cursour is…

Did you mean just right click and drag a vertex.
That only work if you use right mouse button select:


Tweek tool seems like a faster way, but you still need to select a vertex before manipulations…
Maybe using a Grab brush in Sculpt mode would be even most efficient way still?

I can’t find Right Mouse Select Action at all in 3.1.2
But it works if I pick that tool.

With the Tweak Tool in Edit Mode:


You just drag the mouse over the vertex you wanna move. The selecting is made on the click and the movement on the move… this is essentially like a drag brush. (But with selected vertex afterward. No non standard key map neccessay.)

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