Dragon Attempt

Cyborg Dragon: Tell everyone you’re a dragon if you feel you absolutely must, but please keep your sexual fetishes off the board.

What, sorry, I don’t know what you mean about that last part. I can tell you I have the feeling I spent a good part of my previous (Dragon) life cuddling and exchanging nuzzles, licks, and snuggles with my Dragon parents.:wink:

Let me tell you something, someone said to me my Dragon parents are watching me from heaven, so it’s obvious they see your posts.:yes:

I am resisting with all my might derailing this thread even further so I’ll just launch a preemptive strike right now and say you should all just be quiet until this issue pops up again.

Don’t think I didn’t say so!



the dragon head looks nice, real nice for a start actually.

I think your last render (with and without the background) took a little bit away from the first renders. Because they’re a little darker, not as much detail gets through. To a blendererer, that’s fine because we all know what went into making that, but to an unskilled onlooker, it just looks like a silhouette… Unless it’s just my old monitor.

In either case, ROCK ON! I could NEVER do that.

Whoa this model is awesome, great work!