Dragon: doubt about diamonds and animation...

Hi! Im doing my version of the dragon of blenderCookie’s series (great tutorial, by the way).

Im doing it a little different, trying to focus on topology, and keeping it quite low poly. David Ward seems to go too high in polys (becouse he uses sculpting), but I want to export it to an Ogre application when it is finished.

So i tried to use diamonds to reduce topology from head to neck (that wont give me problems becouse they are behind the ears), and from body to tail.

Ive never rigged or animated any serious model, so my question is, could be it any problem in the future? is it a good idea, or is it better to leave those extra quads in the tail?

some photos:


Any criticism will be appreciated!

if you end up with quads then should be ok no tri’s

so try it and see what happen !

with tris there is the risk of having some problems with dark areas or distortion!

happy 2.5

I don’t think they’ll give you any problems, really, But yeah, do try deforming the tail and see if it works, then you can go on.