Well. I have read that I should not post over excited messages like; “I´m GONNA MAKE A MMORPG, STAY TUNED FOR MORE UPDATES” and stuff… so I won´t
But I will say that I have been wanting to make a game for some time, and I have concept art, I have started on the actual game itself, and would just like people to know that i´m making a game, for those of you who are not interested, you can stop reading in about a line, because I will now tell more about the idea i have. And again, this is just ideas, I am realistic to what one person can do, so these are just ideas that would be nice to have in my game.
NAME of the GAME: Dragon Evo
Singleplayer: Yes
Multiplayer: Not likely
Okay, so heres my idea. I was thinking of a game where you have a dragon, this dragon can evolve as it gets experience. But beeing realistic i´m just going to say that you have a dragon that can move around and kill other objects(enemies) and then when a certain number is reached then you move on to the next level. And then maybe as the evolution part(the part in the name of the game that says evo) i´ll just have a new model of a dragon appear each new level like it´s “growing”
Models: will be done by myself
Python scrips: will be done by myself
Music: A friend of mine
The rest: will be done by myself.
For those of you who read this far, thanks. If you have anny comments or crits, just post them. I´m open for anything.
I will post some WIP later, but right now I don´t have the time to upload etc. Concept art will also be uploaded.
well… a bit, heh… but I´ve had the idea for some time, but seeing spore gave me an idea boost. But is there a tutorial on how to use armetures and how to make objects cast shadow?
Oh, and btw, if anyone would like to help me later or are interested in giving good crit on what to improve in my game later then give me a sound. either here or at [email protected]
If you keep the logic that simple you should make a good progress with your game.
Blender has only blob-shadows by now. This means you set up a plane with a large dark blob. Make it transparent and set the faces to shadow. Place it under the dragon and parent ithe blob to the dragon. Blender will drop the blob to the ground. (make sure the object center of the blob is a little bit below the mesh). Or search for shadow.
For armatures you con look for Blender tutorials on http://download.blender.org/documentation/htmlI/ch04.html, check the stickies or just do a search. This is frequently asked in the forum. Keep in mind that only vertex groups are supported in the game engine (no envelopes).
ok, here´s a quick update… all i got time to upload. currently trying to find a way that my dragon can hit obstacles without being “hit” back and fall over. and yes i know my dragon looks stupid, but just trying to keep it low poly for the game engine, and not to get too caught up in the modeling part, but trying to get mye game to work first of all.
yeah… it will evolve… but this is supposed to be lever 5 dragon or something… going to be a big dragon in the end, but for that i really need armetures, and I´m not very good with that, but I guess i just could get a dragon to just move withouth mooving his feet
Read the section about rigging and skinning GUS. If you do this you will know what vertex groups are.
Since Blender 2.40 you can skin a character with envelopes instead of vertex groups. This will work within Blender but not in the Gameengine.
I hope this helps
But it is old, and I think I´d have to remake it, if I want armetures and stuff… but yes, the evolved version and the final version of the one you see there will be different.
A quick question. How can i make my dragon to hit obstacles like rock/tree/wall without it beeing knocked over. But just stopped. Currently i can get it to move on to a rock, but it keep falling over… Any idea?
I will look more closely on the links that i have gotten, and the game engine documentation later. But i don´t have much time reading now. Maybe sunday/monday.
But if anyone could help me with my collision problem, then please.
i can help you with armatures, especially animation…and you should definitely use your old dragon, if it doesnt have too many vertices. But make the skin less shiny, you can tell you didn’t texture it, and it looks plastic. if you upload what you have i may be able to help you with the coll problem. Ive been waiting for someone to say they’re starting a new game so i can help them. I’m just not patient enough to sit down and start a game myself…
what version are you using anyway?
okey, add me on your msn then i will send over the files. [email protected]
But I will first like some help to fix this problem. Just downloaded the blender game kit, so that might help me. But would be nice to have some help. Welcome aboard.
i´m using 2.42a of blender, but will be going over to 2.43 as soon at it´s released.
Cool, somebody to help me.
Nice dragons! I’ll keep an eye on your game and see how it goes. As for the green dragon, you’ll have to do a low poly version if you wanna have him in your game. So far, your game idea seems solid except the evolution part. Are you going to use a new dragon in each scene or is it going to change in realtime?
well, if i can find a way to make it change in realtime, then yes. if not, then a new model will just be changed out with the old dragon. Just to keep it simple. This is my first game after all.
And about the green dragon… I will make a completely new one… becuase it lacks in all that is called edgeloops, and has waay to much details.
i’ll have to download the official 2.42 cuz i only have 2.41 and and the 2.42-.43 test builds…
i dont think there is a way to change the dragon in realtime, except for an ipo for size and/or color (if you havent textured it).
and whats msn? is it something on elysiun or just on my email?