hello ive started a dragon quest imitator game, in the pics its first person because im using a cube as the main charactor. and i thought the pics looked better in first person without the cube:D . in game images can be found on my site ---->
Um…This sucks, sorry but it does, here are my reasons…
Its all out of proportion, 1 and a half stones do not take up a whole wall and the floor looks like my kitchen floors. This doesnt look or feel like a dragony quest to me…
Ya… I have to agree with Karaoke, its doesnt really have the best visuals. You should spend more time on that unless you have really good gameplay. I am also making an rpg sp if u need any ideas i can help you, but if u need help i cant help u because im just starting with bge.
its like that right now because i wanted to see it my next updates will be third person, better textures, better modelling, and more complete land scape so please do not take the textures of the pics too seriously.