been practicing more. im almost getting the hang of uv texturing but its slow progress
i did some more modelling after texturing hence the stretching but i need to sleeeep…
have fun
been practicing more. im almost getting the hang of uv texturing but its slow progress
i did some more modelling after texturing hence the stretching but i need to sleeeep…
have fun
Nicely done!
Any chance of seeing the UV layout and the colour map?
ergh… fsck!
i didnt save the gimp file with all the textures in and i just resized it down too much and now it wont let me undo!! gah ! :<
/me kicks BgDM for being interested and posting before i logged off
thats kinda what it should be. minus a bit of the detail in resizing.
i know its not well mapped but im still trying to learn. all these uv unwrapping options seem to be crazy. anyway sleep sleep sleeee…
oh bugger and i just relised i didnt put the red layer on. goodnight!
Poor dragon, it looks like somebody gave him a black eye and he’s real sad!! Hehehe. Nice work!
2 bad the image is a bit stretched @ some places, but nice job!
thanks for the comments, ill be playing with the textures again tonight for sure.
BgDM - whens your uv tut going to be done? %| or did i miss it somewhere
The dragon looks kinda cute because of the smile but then the red on the lips and beneath the eyes make it look really weird!
fixed most of the stretching issues ( and added a few more ) and tried out RVKs for the first time. im really happy with the results so far
as finding tutorials in WIP threads always helps me, here’s the one i used for RVK’s. Check the TOC at the bottom to get to the other two parts,
have fun
Holy Cow. Don’t tell me that’s the only UV mapping you put on the dragon. Lol, I’ve got to learn texturing and UV mapping, but wow. One map and your dragon is looking pretty awesome. Hmm, how come it looks like he has bumps on him, if that’s the only map you used? Did you convert that map to greyscale and then use it as a bump map? Or is it really just made with that one map. Lol, looks like pretty good results to me so far. Keep up the work.
Jason Lin
no there are more maps - just BgDM only asked for the color map
the color map is also used slightly as a bump map, then there is the vein bump map, the spec map ( for around the eyes,mouth and in the nose ) and another red color map. not in these renders but i also did another red vein map also used for a bit of bump around the eyes and in the corner of the mouth. it was all just a big experiment really. oh and i tried to do a spec color map to add a bit of interest to the skin but it wasnt that effective.
my main problem is understanding how to break up the mesh and not get seams. i still need to do some learning on mapping.
anyone got any good tutorial links for me?
dunkfordyce: lol! No you haven’t missed anything. I haven’t even started the tute yet. I will probably start thi sweekend though. I have been very busy with work.
The texture work is looking very good. I think the veins are a little too large though. Make them smaller and then also make them bump less. They look like they stick out too far as well.
very… woah! awesome dragon!
my only crit about it, is that it looks like plastic!
So BgDM is going to write a texturing/uv mapping tutorial? Hey, BgDM can you give us a preview of what it’s going to cover (like creating textures, bump maps in photoshop or GIMP)? That would be great.
Hmmm, dunkfordyce where did you learn how to texture and UV map your dragon. It would be great if you could provide the link. If it’s not too much to ask could you post up all the maps you used? Lol, also the settings you used in Blender for the maps (like which ones you used for alpha, nor, etc.)
I want to get an idea of how all these things come together in Blender.
Jason Lin
if you look up and find the rvk tutorial link, the site also has a uv mapping tutorial.
for a very quick start try this ( which basically sums up all my uv knowledge )
set up your model
press f ( for face mode )
split your window in two and make the second a uv/image editor
press a to select all the faces
press 1,3, or 7 or whatever to get a nicely aligned view
press u to open the uv mapping selection and select “from window”.
now, leave face mode and export the uv co-ords with the included 2,32 script or however.
make your color/bump/whatever map in your fav paint program ( use the exported map as the the very top layer and maybe set it to something like darken only so its always visible. you should hide this layer when you save the texture of course )
in blender goto the material editor. add a new texture. select uv as the mapping type. then select weather to use color or normal etc.
you should by now have something reasonable.
when rendered you might see some stretchring, to fix this use the image/uv editor and move the vertex’s arround.
some notes to ease the learning curve:
when editing the uv coords use box select to select all the vertex’s otherwise you end up moving lots of stange things.
use one of those funny alpha numeric grid things to setup your uv coords. in face mode you can view textured/potato mode and this is much easier. the letters and numbers on the grid make it much easier to find where the stretching is occuring.
the image loaded in the image/uv editor is not the texture applied during render. ( this may seem obvios later on )
tuuhupowhatever blender builds have better unwrapping but it still confuses me. cylindrical and spherical unwrapping did not seem to help unwrapping the dragon. it also has some more nice features for uv stuff but i dont get them all yet,
if you are a winblows user there is a app at that can do nice unwrapping
of course the opposite mehtod is also possible, altho this always seems like cheating to me this method is more suited to the manuals example of uv mapping onto a rectangular object.
load your image in the uv editor.
select the faces/face to have the texure , in face mode of course
now move the uv points to match the image.
add the texure to the material.
hope this helps
/me waits for BgDM’s tut
BgDM, i know your going to do your head in the tut but fancy doing a dragon too?
Hey cool, thanks so much dunkfordyce. I’m going to have to try this out sometime. :-? still have to make a model that I’ll be satisfied enough with to texture it.
Oh, that site has the UV mapping tutorial of the CUBE, to make a dice. Hmm, I went through that tutorial before. Lol, couldn’t get 1 or 2 things to work so I didn’t really get much out of it.
Thanks for the pointers, hopefully I’ll be able to put it to use when I find time to blend. (Lol, I just like to sit there for hours and work on a project, so half an hour a day is not enough time) Hmm, spring break is coming up, maybe then.
Jason Lin