Dragon wip

I finished up my skull, now it needs a body and a ride. So I decided to start on it’s ride, a dragon.

Materials are just placeholders, next up I have to tackle the jaw line, teeth and lower jaw. How does it look so far?

Finished? How is that head finished if it’s open on the underside with the jaw being an open mesh? :confused:

My human skull is finished, not the dragon sorry I wasn’t clear.

So far you should work on securing the shape of the inner mouth (since the mesh stops at the edges, and tweak the the main horns jutting from his head as they look somewhat soft right now. (that may be partly the horn material goes past the head/horn transition area but we only have that one angle to crit from).

Later on you should see about vertex painting and nodes to get transitions if you’re going to use BI.

Front and side views (my print screen button won’t work so I can’t screenshot). I did some more work on the nose, and I’m working on fleshing out the gums and teeth as well as the jaw some more.


Blender has internal screenshot ability, did you know? Just press CTRL+F3 for taking a snapshot of the current window or CTRL+SHIFT+F3 for a screenshot of the entire blender window.

In my opinion, I think your dragon will look more dominating if you color it as red. I know its typical but I think it will make your dragon’s feature stronger.

Dragons don’t always have to be red, and it doesn’t have to match a certain element, you can’t really put rules like that on Dragons if you’re doing it for artistic purposes and not for Dungeons and Dragons.

Last night wiseman sent me a pdf of dungeons and dragons, dragons. This one is closer to the design of the metal (brass,bronze, etc) type dragons then a red. But then I’m not trying to follow a specific design/type, I have a general sketch and I’m expanding/changing it as I go.


Quick update before I hve to leave for my son’s football game. I ran into some issues with the jaw and the bone spikes so I redid about 60-70% of the head, everything but the end of the mussel. I also added an ear and took out all but the base body materiel. I also started on the shoulders/chest. Still many many more details to add to the head, including teeth.


personally, I think the nose is too long and takes away the dragon look and adds more of a dog… or horse type look, notice in the pictures above all those dragons eyes were about the center of their head making their nose not that long.

Oh please don’t do Dungeons&Crap!

I think I’ve got the nose just the way I like it now, I also adjusted the jaw line and lower jaw. Added the main part of the wings and the outline of the body. I still need to work on adding teeth and the interior of the mouth. I’m not making a D&D dragon, I’m using the images along with others for basic proportions and limb attachments.
