dragons head

I agree with Pork. I love to eat pork. So delicious. Fried pork. Yum. One of men’s favorite foods.

I like the dragon. Not all dragons have legs, and the body has a great vivaceous, sinuous vibe to it. :slight_smile:

Just about to try and sort out some bunp/normal mapping for my first creation, Plurdo - the little green man: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=112551

I was wondering if therewasa way to do this without using triangles… from what I’ve read, UV mapping requires triangles, but triangles are bad for animating :confused:. Or have I yet to discover the correct way to deal with this?..

Where did you get that from? Of course you don’t need triangles to do UV mapping. Works the same with quads as with triangles. There’s only one catch. Your graphic card is converting quads to triangles hence with UV mapping it can look ugly if you use large quads with crazy stretching. With SubSurf enabled though this should not be that much of a problem.

so I attached the body, but it"s not verry good.
also made some gras but the the ground textures are not the best either.
