Dragonsaur? Dinogon? whatever...

i think ill settle with Dinobastard till i decide wether its a dragon or a dinosaur… thing.

anyway, here is the concept pic i drew the other day, and here is the 3d head modelled so far, and some UV texturing for fun.

however, ive hit a stump with UV texturing, so ill leave it until jms and i have sorted out my problem. but i just thought id show you guys anyway, that im still active and all.

Great start. you might want to look into accentuating the mouth a little bit more… give him a little bit bigger bottom lip. The bone structure of the jaw is a little hard to read. Are you going to go with a thick skin-type texture, or something a little more scaley? Either way, I can’t wait to see more. I really like your concept sketch.

Very nice model. Reminds me slightly of a Real3D showcase dragon… but only slightly.

Not sure about the way you have chosen to do the mouth… would have liked to see it at the bottom of what is the chin now :slight_smile:

Keep it up, looking forward to the updates.

Looks great, but I would reposition the horns a little. Something about the angle…maybe more coming off the eyebrow region and tilting back a bit.
<edit> hey here’s a thought,…try making them out of the new meta tubes and converting to mesh.

is this better?


ill play with the horns next…

Looks great. there is that funky thing on the eye though too.

yeah, i noticed that, there is one on the tip of his chin and a small one just above his eye, theyre just defects form the UV mapping, not much i can do about that. ill just PP it out at the end.

i think ill also omphasise the pale white stripes down his face a bit more too.

Nice :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see more!


DinoBastard™ rules! Wish I could convert my concepts to 3D as well as you have.

He reminds me of Grimlock, not looks wise but just from his character. Or how I imagine him to speak… Hmmmm, it’s unlike me to judge a book by it’s cover. But very cool, gonna get my sketchpad out now!!

S68, thanks very much

TheChief, sorry man, never heard of Grimlock. yes concept sketches are an extremely powerful tool.

Unfortunatley, im having serious troubles with my OBJ script, so until jms gets back to me, im afraid i wont be able to show any updates.

thanks for the comments, ill let you all know when i can get back to working on it.

hmm, why not model and texture it in blender?
saves the trouble, those stupid scripts never work.


Awesome work, as always. Could wee see a version without the textures on the model? I think the currect textures take a little away from it.

GREAT start tho!


I am!

Dante, for you:

what would you suggest for texturing?