I just upgraded to 2.42a from 2.40 and it is frustrating the hell out of me that they changed the Edit Mode/Draw Type/Solid to a solid-wireframe hybrid. I can’t select the vertices on just the front of the object unless I do it one at a time and if you have a fair amount of them it’s kind of tricky to select the ones you want. Does any one know how to get it back to Solid like in 2.40??? I don’t mind being able to see the vertices in the back of the object but I don’t want to have to deal with them in solid(view or mode)-draw type. Why would they change it in the first place? I thought it worked well enough before.
So, if anyone knows if you CAN or CAN’T get an “actually” solid draw type, please let me know. I’m guessing that you can’t and that would suck. Please tell me I can get it back. Yes or No? If yes . . . how?
Also, does anybody out there have a really good updated blender hot key cheatsheet(printable, too) that they could email me or point me to? The wikibooks one is kind of incomplete.