Drawings of fly! New Drawings!

i felt left out :stuck_out_tongue:



dont feel left out :smiley:
there was really no need to sketch strike[] now was there??? :no:

lol (j/k)

some more!


and more :smiley:


widening the wrists juuuusssttt a bit might help some. They’re not far off, but these are decent.


You have a sound base for style. Once you get form down I think you’ll be a very good artist. Get books on drawing the human, google, and draw from real life. Remember, all form can be broken down into basic shapes before adding detail. Try this link which will take you to Mark Chong’s site. There he has video tutorials which discuss point to point, form, and many more techniques which I found invaluable.

i got the loomis books they should keep me going for a while
videos look good. a least the one i watched…

and new pic!
30 min SDC drawn using photo :slight_smile:


keep them comming
Mange to sense the proportion i know it is something hard but after that you will sense the thing better!

I know it is hard to draw a human face and hands and feet and bust!

Are lot of forms but after some sketches and drawing i`ve realised that i can split all forms in my imagination and resemble to paper!

:wink: You will be stroked by your talent when you don`t even know!

Don`t given attention to loot of peoples in my art but there is sometimes a “but” :wink: that must be get down!

My advice it is to draw from “Fun with a pencil” then look at the forms around you just look don`t draw!

Go in park see the trees the forms in them ! This will clear your imaginations from drawing lines and realising the light passing!
But yeah the “but” is that you must break them in pieces :wink: in your imagination or on paper!

You won`t realize when will make a human face in les than 5 min and then just bringing the details!

If a sphere it is hard for you try to draw a cube then split the cube until you will get a cone !
Play with form!

Dont listen to me ! I dont do that!


scaning some schetches

Quick upload before bed…


even if it does look a bit flat i absolutely love ur style! it surprised me…
i’d also really like to see some paintings in color…with the same flat style that the hands are in.

well u really should learn realism as well so i dont mean to discourage u from that, but i do like it so far.

OneMan: I do do it with 3d but do need to do in 2d

Jason: may have some paintings soon And an eye now…and thanks :smiley:



Nice eye :smiley:

Keep going!

its meant to be a side kick…
Girl from another photo…


didn’t like kick so done it again :smiley:




Looking good! Some proportions are bit off on the humans. Keep it up

thanks marsan :smiley:


Check my sketchbook fly you will see something!

Before lighting them up draw a cone or sphere and test the light!

Some of us wee do that in mind but it is better to see it on paper!

light doesn’t exist :stuck_out_tongue:

gonna work this some more…


reworked and new!

I swear i drew it on it just fell of…
