Dream scape

I thought I would try my hand at the CGsociety Dream scape contest just for kicks and giggles. And in my design I have a broken city but I have had to do many tests to figure out the best way to make a city like that with out having to model every single piece of debris. So I gave the explode modifier a try and this is what I have so far.

Does anyone know a better way to do this? If so do you mind sharing?

Looking pretty sweet so far Levi. I’m not sure but I think there’s a script… Maybe fracture? http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts

Looks good. You need to get most of the rubble to be around the base of the tower though

Redid the building idea again. The first one was to high poly. Starting to lay out the ground chunk for sculpting.

Well, been trying to develop something out of this idea for a few days now. I think I have a good start for the background elements. Still at a loss for foreground elements atm. Thinking about maybe a character peering over the edge of the crater this massive chunk of earth came out of. still have to destroy the city. And add the blood elements at the bottom of the chunk of dirt or rock. And some roots sticking out all over the place. Maybe digital roots or something of that nature.

So far this is the background idea.

And this one is a little more defined for feel of the piece. Lots of debris.

I think the black you used for the ground texture should be a slightly darker verison of the brown instead. If that makes sense.

Well back on this again, and I finally almost finished the background matte. Still have to texture the buildings and add some more elements. But I hope I can start on the Fore ground next week. Blenderartists.org degrades the picture a lot. Actual size is 2048x2150.

Got an image host? I should like to see the hi-res one. I like the water falls. Reminds me a bit of Dalaran… kind of like a modernized version of it =P. Looks good, how much you have left?

Not to much on that art. That is just the background image. Still have to model texture and everything else to the rest. You can find the full size at http://challenge.cgsociety.org/dreamscape/entry/levisarts/work_in_progress/2112

Finally going to get on my dream scene again. This is car#1. That will be destroyed and laying about. Yay a 2011 toyota corolla. Perfect car to destroy IMO. Well this is what I have on the car so far as well as a scene that I am basing my ideas off of.



You just wanted to model a car =P When’s your deadline for this? I was also going to mention your prior renders felt “blurry” for me, but I suspect you meant it to be that way (or I yet don’t understand the final goal).

The fun is I need to make a few different types of cars lol. And that is going to take a while.

lol The plane on is blurry just to make it look cool. I have no blur on the final. That is just going to be the back drop. And I’am working on the foreground now which I hope to look a bit like the reference photo. Then add the back drop with the planet in the back. And I saw you modeling a vehicle now damnit I want to too. TTYL

P.S. Deadline is February 28th And I have no way in hell in winning but will be fun to get some of my stuff out there.

Blocking out the city. Trying to get a feel for where things should go.

City scape.

And yet another building done XD. This one looks pretty cool imo. Still just trying to get all the elements done so I can get on to the real hard part. (texturing)

Some new stuff.


Nice, looks great!

OK got some more stuff modeled. I will start destroying stuff soon as I get the last few buildings modeled and the cars. Anyway, Here I did some lite materials on the buildings and a traffic light as well as the power pole. On another note, Does anyone have a suggestion as to what big city land mark I should destroy in place of the large sphere you see in the shot. I don’t want to do the planet Hollywood sign, and I was thinking Statue Of Liberty’s head but that was done in Cloverfield. Anything large and some what round will do.

Here is the new update.

These images have already been submitted to the CGsociety.org event WIP thread. You can find all of the entries here : http://challenge.cgsociety.org/dreamscape/view_entries#jumpto

Ahh, Levi this looks excellent man! Good luck in the comp. I really like the tilted feel you’ve got going on here.

Great work. However I think you have a big job ahead because destroying stuff is so hard (least for me). can’t wait to see this finished.

Wow competition looks steep in that competition (your entry included!). All the same, I think you have one of your best works ever underway, I think you have serious chance if you can pull it all together in time. I agree with 3dementia, the angle is nice.

So i looked at the contest description, and i think that you might be going a bit far on the detailing. the first renders where pretty far away, so maybe you dont need the buildings and streets to be that detailed at all.
I like the building layout in post number 4.
As for the sphere maybe replace it with some abstract figure (it is dream scape after all). And you can even write dream scape but that is probably not very original.