I have a human armature with deform, FK and IK bones, and Copy Rotation constraints on the deform bones. I want to have corrective shape keys driven by bone rotations, and the obvious idea is to use the deform bones as drivers. However, when I rotate an FK bone (say), the deform bone moves in the viewport (due to the constraints), but the rotation value in the interface panel does not update. More importantly, the rotations in the shapekey drivers are not updated neither, so the corrective shape keys never kick in.
It is straightforward to evade this problem for the FK rig; just use the FK bone as a driver instead. But this does not work for the IK rig. When I move the end effector, the rotation of the IK bones do not update, even if they move in the viewport.
The problems persists in animation. AFAIU the driver is an F-Curve, and typically the bones in an IK chain have no keyframes, but only the end effectors.
Is there some way to make driven shape keys work. I think it was possible in 2.49.