Dropship WIP

Hi guys,

So i’ve been working on this infantry drop ship for a game i’m making, So here it is so far:

At the moment its made of about five separate pieces, wings, engines, engines covers, main body front and mid.
I’m just wondering now how to fit the rest of the thing together (Connect each separate part together to a seamless mesh or putting an internal body so there are no gaps in the model, comments in general? (Still a few bits left to be modelled)

Original concept art:


Update #2
Added a cockpit and started connecting some more things together today… Put a quick placeholder in for the form of the rear of the craft where there will eventually be a ramp.

Comments welcome

Hey guys back again with the third and possibly final update for the modelling of this, next will be texturing and final render.
If you guys have any comments or perhaps suggestions on things i should add or change in the model drop a comment below.

Hugo 1005

Hey guys, back again but this tim with textured version. This infantry drop ship is designed for insertion from a large spacecraft and deployment into a swamp environment.