DrossRotzank 3D W.I.P.

work in progress 3D Realistic Head of DrossRotzank, made in Blender, Zbrush and render in Cycles

Full Image: http://superdasil.deviantart.com/art/DrossRotzank-3D-W-I-P-552413403

more 3D Characters: https://www.facebook.com/SuperDasil

very nice so far! really good eyebrows!

The neck seems to have less details which make it stands out, but It’s a WIP so I’m sure it’s coming! :wink:


actually i finished this character xD and now my computer is rendering the animation, but thanks for the feedback i will put more details on the neck of my next characters =)

Do show us the animation if it’s done :slight_smile:

I am just a noob to Blender but this looks real.

I have a question tough, For someone of your skill how long (Work hours) does it take you to get to this point?

Two weeks ago I wasn’t able to round a cube in Blander, Now I can do it with my both hands tied behind my back, Blindfolded :slight_smile:

Being an avid RPG player, I’d like to build the entire Ad&d monstrous manual in 3d and have it ready for animation. I know this is a momentous task and even if I can build a monster each week I’ll probably won’t make in this lifetime…

hi!! i started learning 3D 3 years ago, to create 3D characters… takes me about 1 - 5 days, depends on the complexity

create 3D characters and animate it is really awesome!! you can check this tutorials: https://cgcookie.com/learn-blender/ i learned a lot from cgcookie =)