dRot to angle?

how do I find the angle of an dRot may?
angle = act.dRot

I’m pretty sure dRot uses radians, so you can just convert it to degrees for some easier reading.

use pi. use math.pi to be precise. if you want a 90 degree turn. use math.pi/2 and then just mess with that.


import GameLogic as gl 
import Mathutils 
# get the controller 
controller = gl.getCurrentController() 
scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene() 
objList = scene.objects 
sun = objList["OBsun"] 
#act_rotate = controller.actuators["rotate"] 
sen_sempre = controller.sensors["sempre"] 
degree = 45.0 
if sen_sempre.positive: 
    # set angular displacement vector 
    #degree = degree + 45.0 
    matrixNew = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(degree, 3, "y")  
    # set owner's world orientation  
    sun.localOrientation = matrixNew # [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] 
# active controller 

Well if you want to get complicated…I guess that would work.


from math import pi

#Just set the following values to your motion actuator.

90d = pi/2
-90d = -pi/2

45d = pi/4
-45d = -pi/4
