If you want to deselect something do shift-right-click. Normally you just switch between active objects, though.
Only the left-click moves the cursor, right-click selects objects and middle-click rotates. shift-middle-click strafes and mouse-wheel zooms along with ctrl-middle-click.
The controls take a bit of getting used to if you come from other 3D apps but once you get the hang of it, you’ll see how intuitive it is. Just work through that manual past the Gus tutorial and you’ll get a feel for the program.
Well one thing I can tell right now is this forum seems to have a great community!!!
Kudos on the fast and multiple responses…Unfortunatly for you…you probably sentenced yourself to a ton of newb question that will spew from my fingers in the next couple days…untill I get the hang of it…lol
Just out of curioustiy I wonder how hard it would be to change the GUI if you knew python…I guess if it were easy it would of been done…lol
Could you check your links please I cant use them as they are no good.
Modron If you think so thats fine. I am although accustomed to the classic sort of GUI and like it alot. Although Free Is Me so if I wanna change it I better stop modeling and start typing LOL.