Dumb question..

Hey, I need some help here. I made a small animation on Blender 2.33, but it is grainy. I used Yaf Ray for the rendering, and a skydome for the lighting. This really just bugs me, because I don’t know how to fix this. I would be able to fix this, but I am more familiar with the old rendering engine… Thanks for any help!

try rendering with blender’s internal renderer.
why render with Yafray?

or up the quality settings on the yafray panel and WAIT.

Well… Yafray just looked good. Blender’s renderer is cool, too. I saw some demos, and I guess I don’t need to use YafRay to make cool images.

Some more reasons to use Blender’s renderer:

(1.) It is faster.

(2.) You can see the progress of the render, and you can abort it without crashing Blender.

(3.) It’s easier to use.

(4.) Many people are more familiar with it.

(5.) It’s crystal-clear.

Youre right with YafRay. It’s SLOW.

WOWOW some slagging of YafRay hey? :G

I thought the renders looked most promising… making laymo blended attempts into somewhat of a perverted image…

mind me…

Well, with any render (or for that matter, any bitmapped image from any source whatever) you can always run into what seem to be “graininess” problems, which actually arise from two distinctly different sources: - The resolution of the image vs. the resolution of the display being used to view it; and… - The levels of contrast in the image as they are mapped (“gamma”) to the levels of the display device.
It may help to render the image, then look at the file thus produced in some other program, such as GIMP or PhotoShop. Zoom in on it and see what is actually in there. Measure the light-levels of various pixels. You may observe that the graininess disappears the moment you zoom in or out. You might be “blaming Blender” for something it has nothing whatsoever to do with.