The Scene: Medieval Robots go Dungeon Plundering
Earth’s future, where the post-apocalyptic is a thing of the past. Human beings have long since disappeared, fallen into obscure myth, and only their mechanical creations are left to walk and rule the world. As luck would have it, although fate would say that she has a large say in this, the once simplistic machines have grown and “evolved” mentally, and now follow a history that closely resembles the one their creators once walked. Even tales and legend run parallel between robot and human timelines, even if there are some notable alterations.
Set within the “second” Medieval period, the fantastic world that the robots occupy is rationalized best it can by the learned, with the magic word used as a universal explanation to fall back upon when nothing else works. One place of magic is a factory, long buried and isolated beneath a fallen canyon wall, yet operational and very hard at work. It is the ancestoral origin of the machines that roam above it, and although it’s inhabitants have not developed to the extent (or at all) that the surface walkers have, they are very much alive. And active.
It is into this place of legend, a Dungeon, so they call it, that a knight and his squire brave. One seeks treasure and the power of a king. The other would be happy enough to get out of there with all four limbs still attached, and maybe his life if that would be alright with the sir. Trials will be faced. Ordeals endured. And prizes notably lacking. But it is always better to press on than to fall back, even if you do happen to get yourself neck deep in “it.”
Gameplay: First-Person Puzzle-Based Tag-Team Extravaganza
The idea of the game is primarily based on puzzles, played from the perspective of two unique characters who possess complementry traits. The Knight character is in essence the brute and athlete, capable of feats of strength, combat and speed. On the flipside is the peon companion, who is small, weak, but possesses enhanced vision and (relatively) human-like hands. The two main characters are called Dorethy and Toto, respectively, and for the time being.
Vision and perspective are going to play key parts in the problem-solving aspect of the game. Security systems are in place and ready to catch the unwary player. Toto can see the hidden and things the way they are, but sometimes only Dorethy will be the one who can, or has to, overcome them. Both characters are required to survive each level.
The Authors: CrazedQuetzal and Lushmoss
One of those people is me. The other one is busy working on the game whilst I’m writing this little summary for you fine gentlemen. We both live in NZ, studying for our final year at college. It is part of our final year project, so we are committed to this in a tangible way.
For this game, which we’d like to distribute commercially if all goes well, we are using Blender for almost the entire shebang. From modelling, animating, and the game engine itself. Occationally we may ask for advice of the technical persuation, but otherwise we’d really enjoy showing off what we’ve done and getting some feedback! Not least of which will be on the name, a tricky area which is still undecided. Botlike is the current working title. It’s punchy, but not quite there. Artifice of the Eye has good things about it, but lacks the punch.
Bold Text: It highlights important bits
I know this post is a bit spare on details in some areas at the moment, but we’d like to get a thread up quickly. We’ll get some screenshots up of our models shortly and attach it to this post. To clarify, we’re not looking for other teammates: just opening up a galleryfront for people to pass on through and give their thoughts and advice.
Thank you!