Duped objects linked, share keys

Simple problem, but I can’t find the fix. :spin: I have an object with some animation keys. I Shift-D it, all animation keys are copied with the object, okay, makes sense. But now any change I make to one object’s keys affects the other and I can’t seperate them for the life of me. Very aggravating; what’s the magic hotkey I’m missing that unlinks them?

lol u is the magic button =D

When you key something, you add an IPO to the object. When you duplicate the object you duplicate all its parts, including the IPO. So, the secret is to go into the IPO window and unlink the IPO from the duplcate object.

To do this, click the small button with the number “2” in it next to the IPO type (tooltip says something like “unlink from this datablock”).

Now you have two objects with identical but separate IPOs which means you can alter one from this point on without affecting the other. If you want to remove the IPO from the duplicate altogether, press the “X” button for the IPO.

Ya; got it working now. Thanks mates.

You can set your preference to not duplicate the ipo when you duplicate the object.

I ran into the same problen recently but asked for help in the modelling forum. Didn’t get an answer but I have discovered some things on my own.

There are several kinds of shared datablocks between duplicated objects. The easiest way to get total separation is to select one of the two objects in the 3D window, then from the window menues; object->make single user. You will get a popup menu of options allowing you to separate just one type of datablock, several types, or all datablocks (not just the IPO.)

I suspect the default behavior is done this way because shared datablocks use less memory.