Duplicated faces in this FBX lost when imported into blender

I have a FBX file with 8 faces when imported into C4D and Unity, but it collapses to only 2 faces in Blender. These faces are using the same vertices and meant to have different normal directions. I wonder if there’s any way to avoid losing these duplicated faces while importing into Blender?
(I’ve tried import it into different versions of blender via both the built-in fbx importer and BetterFBX add-on, but results are the same.)

I’ve uploaded the FBX file here, please have a try if you want.
TestFBX 8_polys_in_C4D.fbx (32.3 KB)

Polygon counts in different 3D softwares as follow:
blender count
c4d count
unity count

I ran it through Noesis and resaved as FBX ( C4d saves in weird FBX format) then brought into Blender and it now has all the faces.

C4d-OUT.blend (112.0 KB)


thank you, my friend

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