duplicates strange behaviour

hy folks,

when i duplicate a mesh with associated ipo and animate the duplication the original mesh where I duplicated from seems to share the same ipo - in frame 1 the original and the duplication are on different locations; when i switch to frame 2 the original takes the position of the duplicate - I think this should not be the case. ore did I miss how to copy things?
help would be greatly apprechiated :slight_smile:

I uploaded the file - just switch from frame 1 to 2 and you will see the red “cars” dissapearing :frowning:


Yes - because they are duplicates they share one IPO and the IPO determines where they will be at each frame.

There are two solutions:

The easy one is to select one object, go into the IPO window and press the number 2 next to the IPO name, okay “single user”. This gives you an exact duplicate of the IPO curve. If you leave it as is then nothing will appear to change but you can move or edit the new IPO curves or delete them or rekey the object where and how you want it using your favourite method of Keying.

The other option is to copy each IPO curve into the corresponding “delta” IPO channel (LocX to dLocX, RotX to dRotX, etc… do you know how to copy/paste IPOs?). Then the objects will still share the same IPO but now it applies “relative to” their individual start positions. So you can move one object apart from the other and both will make exactly the same moves but remain separated. Now you can continue to edit the IPO directly (can’t use IKEY though, as far as I know) and the transforms will match for both objects.

There might be a way to apply deltaKeys from the IKEY but if there is, I’m unaware of it (would be nice though).

EDIT: Post duplicated. Delete if you can.