I apologize if this isn’t the right forum to get help from but I do need help with a problem I am having.
I’m making 6 states of a tree, and every state erodes all the way down to a stump. After I finish texturing one state I duplicate the model, create a new material, and start painting the next texture. But I’ve run into an issue after getting to the 4th state.
When I enter the Texture Paint tab the texture becomes purple and can’t be painted on:
If I enter edit or object/shader mode I can see the whole texture that I was gonna paint over.
I’ve tried re-creating the material shaders multiple times but nothing happens.
The UVmaps are still working as far as I can tell, but I can’t find a way to apply the texture to them via material.
Help would greatly be appreciated! I’m not new to blender but I wouldn’t consider myself far from a beginners level. Was going to provide many images but sadly as a new user I can’t…
Welcome …
…so i worked for the 2nd and 3rd state…so i guess you just did something different ?? Not correctly added the new texture ??? Just double check…
Really sorry about getting back SOO late but I honestly haven’t found a fix for this issue I was having. Since then I re-did all 6 texture states with a new method I came up with that seems to have avoided the issue thus far.
Really tired at the time of me typing this but I’ll give a rundown on what I can focus on right now
Basically I copy-paste the last state image textured, create a new material, link the new copy to the new material, save & relaunch because there’s a weird delay between texture paint mode and the shading tabs for me, and that basically does it for all 6.
I don’t remember what I used to do exactly, and I’m sure I missed a couple steps here, but it’s worked without problem thus far.