Duplifaces - 2.43RC3

Hello Everyone,

Should I be expecting to see duplifaces work the same as dupliverts with respect to particles? It doesn’t seem to for me.

I have created a cube, then a sphere. Scaled the sphere down and parented to the cube. If I add static particles, with duplivert I get what I would expect…lines of spheres sprouting from all verts. When I use duplifaces, all I get is one sphere for each face. I made sure in bothe cases that verts and faces were turned on fir the particle system.

Thanks in advance!

Where or where is fligh. Actually, particles are points so no. There are no faces to calculate and so duplifaces aren’t applicable to particle systems. If you want to emit dupliverted objects from the face of the emitter than select ‘From: Faces’ in the Particles panel.