Hi all, I am having a problem using dupliverts in 2.46. I am using dupliverts with an icoshpere and some spotlights to give an even lighting over my scene, but only my original spotlight is actually aligned to a vertex on the sphere, the rest are positioned far above the sphere. I can’t find anything indicating why this should happen. The centers of the lights are on the light itself where the are by default, I made sure to position the original light directly on a vertex. Can anyone help? The attached picture shows the original light selected and all the dupliverted lights in their strange position.
Welcome to the forums!
In order for the spot lamps to line up, place the lamp at the same location as the sphere. So, if you add the sphere at 0,0,0, add the spot to the same location, then parent the lamp to the sphere, and F7 turn on dupliverts. Now, the original lamp will not be aligned, but that is OK. The original dupliverted object, although it shows in the view, won’t render, or in the case of a lamp, it won’t participate in the lighting.
Best of Luck!
Thank you so much, I don’t know how I missed this in the tutorials.