For the project who didnt make it in the google soc…
wow! too bad, i cant speak dutch, but i found out something. Pieter Visser gona make a Blender/Collada plugin? thats for blender? whats the difference between this one, and the already present exporter? i never use collada, so maybe thats why im so dumb about this…
the idea is awesome, the more summer of codes we have, the better, so rock on pieter visser!
Pieter worked on Collada for the last Dutch SoC.
Google Summer of Code
Toronto Design Projects
Dutch Summer of Code?
If they award a good bunch of projects to Blender then 2.5 will be the biggest release yet. The rate of development is going to be absolutely nuts (too bad the site’s in dutch).:spin:
Here is the page in English (translated by Babel Fish)
Programmeerzomer 2007
<b>Dutch alternative of Google's Summer or code
Open Source deserve ’ holiday pay projects ’ with program
It is again what differently as vakkenvuller in the hypermarket. Programmeerzomer are a project where students data processing three will work summer months for open Source project. After a good round-off of it 3,600 euro are paid to the student. With that the students are also immediately a particular work experience richer. Programmeerzomer are organised this year for the second time by the Netherlands open software platform on the initiative of finalist IT Group. With many applications previous year are the expectations for this year thus hooggespannen. Programmeerzomer the Dutch alternative of Google’s Summer is or code.
Aims of the initiative are:
- Software, programs engineering under the attention brings of broad and young public and more young people stimulate to choose for this study direction.
- Students on leuke, paid manner practice experience to launch do at real software projects.
- Dutchwoman open Source initiatives to stimulate and under the attention brings of a broader public. Within the framework of the Netherlands knowledge-based economy there frequently only gesomberd become. By means of Programmeerzomer clear will become that there much innovative projects are Dutch software true engineers a role at game.
- Promotion of the use of open Source software as a model to stimulate knowledge and innovation.Implemented projects of 2006:
Programmeerzomer 2006 were four open Source projects realised with a success. Read here the interview.
The registrations for Programmeerzomer 2007 have been opened!
Sure hope my translation skills are better than some little yellow fish:
It’s something different to helping out at a supermarket. Programmingsummer is a project in which students Informatics work on a Open Source project for three months. If the student finishes the work well, the student will receive 3.600 euro. The students alse gain a special workexpirience.
The Programmingsummer is organized for the second time by Holland Open Software Platform on initative of Finalist IT Group.
With a lot of participants, the expectations a high again.
The Programmingsummer is a Dutch variant on Google’s Summer of Code
Aims of the initative are:
- Bring software engineering and programming under the attention of a yound and broad public,and to stimulate young people to choose theze kind of studies.
- Give students a fun, payed way the get some practical expirience on real projects
- Stimulate Dutch OPen Source initiatives, and bring them under the attention of of a broader public. In the frame of the Dutch Knowledge-enconomy, which is fairly pessimistic, it will become clear that there are a lot of innvative Dutch project in which Dutch software engineers can play a role.
- Promote the use of Open Source Software, as a model to stimulate knowledge and innovation.
I think Loy’s translation is better, though I know what a hypermarket is.
Mr. Oreo’s babelfish translation left in some dutch words.
What are these?
Do a search, they were mentioned weeks ago on this forum. A Toronto University is having a class do coding projects for Blender.