dvd: water following path


we are planning to use blender for a commercial project. we have to make some animations and one is water following a path.

i would like to see techniques to achieve this and tutorials or screens where realistic water was achieved with blender.


for the dvd we will include a making of section where we would show the software we use and it would be nice to show blender instead of 3dmax or something like that.

the dvd will be sold worldwide so it would be a nice thing to use blender for it.

other solutions we are looking at are real flow so keep in mind that it has to be very realistic and high quality stuff.

I will try… is it possible to reward the best hint by an entry of her/his name in the credits? :slight_smile: something like special thanks to xxx or special thanks to the elysiun community

since i am doing the video editing…why not!!!

stuff like this is important. ppl are more enthusiastic like this. which gives more feedback… maybe :slight_smile:

any solutions or ideas how to accomplish this in blender?

You could probably hack it up with a particles system controlled by a lattice and metaballs as dupliverts.


yes i tried that but metaballs dont look that good with my setup.

you have to use a really high numbers of particles with really small metaballs if you want it to look good.


And don’t forget a very powerfull computer!


that’s exactly my idea. at this time I have a small canyon, a lattice modeled to fit the canion and a particle system. I never rendered it with water so far… but lightning looks ok. things I will do now:

  • add a texture to the emitter, which controls the speed of the particles. so the higher the particles are, the slower they are…
  • add metaballs with material and stuff. btw… I guess there will be like 50’000 metaballs.

my computer is maybe a bit slow for this. I got many things I’m compiling at the moment. please be patient… sorry. please inform if you did it… and how you did :).


what DVD will this be for? are you going to post the anim when ur done?

at the moment some other guys are using lightwave and getting better results.

any ideas?

I was going to have a go at writing a script which would generate a lattice following a given path (so you could just draw a bezier curve, generate the corresponding lattice, and parent a particle emitter to it for Theeths idea of the metaballs).

But the current Python API doesn’t give you access to lattices… so I couldn’t do it!

Do you know exactly what you want to do? Or is it just you need some sort of animation of water following a path? If you have an exact idea, maybe Blender would still be ok…

EDIT: haven’t tried this myself, so don’t know whether it would work or not. Have you thought about animated textures?

I would like to see one of these… because I dont know what a good result is… :slight_smile:

http://wewa.intrr.org - Take a look at the water pictures, they are a lot of work and they only look good if the water is more or less flat. I don’t think it’s worth the effort going for refracting water, but you can always try ^__^.


this is good


and these free presets too


this is good?! http://www.the-worms-of-art.com/ContImg/PShelf_Examples/ImgMain-109.jpg

take a look at my examples (old) in this topic
and this is the link you can read out

water follwing path? if I’m wrong correct me. but the examples you presented are not any similar to the topic?

I started a particle system following a path… before continuing I want some examples that match the request please :).

dont worry, we are going to use maya 5.

so you missed the chance to produce one of the first blender-dvd’s. too bad…