I am wondering if there is a way I can sort of “ray-cast” or something (I don’t know a lot about this kind of thing.) that would set the focal point of the camera. Using, say, an empty as the point of focus and make the camera track to it. I’d need the empty to, basically, check if there is a wall, or collision object and if so, stick the empty to it and have the camera track the position, as if the empty is a projectile.
Or, instead of having the camera track it, just fire the empty at a wall, like a projectile, and see if it hits, and if so, make that the focal distance/center, since the empty will always be at the center and do this every tick for the entirety of the game.
I may have already answered my own question, but I have no idea how I might construct something like this using logic bricks/Python code.
I think I’d prefer python, so I don’t have to setup a lot of bricks each time, but bricks are fine too, they might be simpler.
Thanks in advance! Sorry I’m such an idiot.
Also, for a reference of what I am trying to do:
I’ve noticed that people in games do a “head-bob” effect, but it tends to be disorienting, since our eyes cancel out such an effect naturally. I’ve noticed when I walk, I still feel the effect, but it’s only cancelled in the focus of my eyes, not in my peripheral vision. So I just need the focus to stay still while the camera does the “head-bob”, so it’s still “realistic”, but not so disorienting.