Hey Blokes! This is probably way too old but I thought I might share it anyway. Also, it is not perfect, I admit, but not so hard to modify if you want to use it properly.
It is a Node Material that includes UV Textures, which, by Substraction et cetera, form simple Clouds that move dynamically via Python UV Scrolling. Sounds pretty cheap and so it is, but looks fancy enough – at least when improved a bit.
Thanks very much for this I think its a very beautiful effect. It looks very nice at a slow speed too (by changing Freq on the logic blocks associated with the scene) it looks natural and seams to be very quick too.
Thanks – before I forget: The Speed also can be changed within the Python Code, it’s the float “speed”.
(Using that Float instead of the logic Frequency makes the Movement way smoother.)
I might rework the whole Thing and upload another Version of it sometime, including some Randomness, cleaner Code and the Float »CloudDensity« to work again – I forgot to activate it before I uploaded the File.
Uhm, lookin’ at Quantum I really don’t think the Graphics are his Problem, really seems to be the Link.
So I upload the .blend on my personal Webspace, maybe that will work better.
PLUS I upload my new Version because it looks better (better Cloud-Texture) and works better (cleaned up Nodes and Script). But I never uploaded it because it still has its Flaws (or even slight Bugs) and since I do not actually need such Clouds for any Project right now I stopped workin’ on it at a Point. So here is the old .blend as well as a better new one havin’ slight Flaws…
EDIT: Besides, the new one has a much smoother Look and I think the Clouds look more realistic (ironically, because the old .blend used real Clouds as a Texture, different to the new one).
Thanks. : )
Ô, I forgot to mention: The new Version also includes a simple Mechanism (yes, a Mechanism (the two Cubes in the Middle)) that randomizes the Cloud Density frquently, so that after some Time a random Value is chosen and the Clouds Density slowly accomodate to it, and after some Time, another Value is chosen, on and on.