Dynamic Directional Mist Nodes

here is a simple node group that adds mist which can vary in relation to a sun lamp. should work in any bge or upbge.
mistifyr.blend (537.8 KB)


Awesome, thanks for sharing!

Two ideas:

  • If you connect the second color of the second last mix node to a group input, you can input the lamp’s color.
  • A group input for the sky color

mistifyr_modified.blend (563.5 KB)

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Thank you for sharing. Very usefull shader.

awesome. looks great

Love this! :hearts: Thanks for sharing.

Figured it was due time to thank you for this after having used it for years.
It’s truly amazing and can add so much more to a scene!
Also when paired with world sky colors with Blend Sky and Real Sky enabled, it allows you to change the sky color above objects. That way you can use the mist to kind of highlight big objects, instead of engulfing them into the mist.

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