Dynamic linking of groups

I’m trying to dynamically link a bunch of objects in a .blend file so I can reuse rigs and mesh data in several scenes that different people will be editing.

However, there are a lot of different objects that I need to import, and it would be nice to have a shortcut to that list of objects. I thought that I could do this by linking a group, but doing that just brings in an entire group that I can duplicate (see http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/Using_Blender_Libraries).

That would be really useful in some situations, but I would like an option that allows me to use the group as a list of objects to import normally so I don’t have to go through and select a lot of meticulously named objects.

Does this option exist?

Not that I know of, once grouped no objects are shown for that group.
