Dynamic paint output changes based on ocean resolution setting

I have a scene with a boat traveling along a path through an ocean plane. The ocean has an ocean modifier on it and dynamic paint canvas settings. The boat has a dynamic paint brush setting. If I render the ocean with a resolution of 15, the dynamic paint data renders properly. If I increase the resolution above 15, the dynamic paint data stops working.

A second problem I’m having is boat isn’t creating any waves as it travels through the plane. The plane has over 8,000 verts, but it is a tiled ocean. Are tiling the ocean and having physical wave displacement incompatible functions?

Dynamic paint result with Ocean resolution of 15:

Render result after changing the resolution to 16 and re-running the animation:

Boat physics settings:

Boat dynamic paint brush settings:

Ocean dynamic paint canvas settings:

Ocean material settings:

Ocean modifier stack:

Ocean shader:

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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After spending much time on the same issue, there is a very simple solution. For some unknown reason, in the ocean modifier, the viewport and render resolutions must be set to the same value. If they are different, even by one resolution setting e.g. viewport set at 31 and render set at 32, there will be little or no dynamic paint generated in the render view. They both must be the same.