I’m not sure if this would go into this directory but in 3ds max I have seen some people animate, but when they moved the legs in their character models after a certain point the body would move too. Like if you pulled out a leg the body would start to pull towards it so you wouldn’t have to rotate the leg out, then rotate the body out, then move the whole character. Is this possible in blender? I recall a video about how it might be possible soon but that was many versions ago. Has this been implemented?
Blender’s rigging system is pretty flexible. You can set up something like you describe using actions and drivers. There are non-human rigs (for cars) where moving the car causes the wheels to rotate, turning the car causes the steering wheel to turn (and, since the driver’s hands are locked to the steering wheel, it looks like the driver is steering the car) and the car will sway to the left or right as it goes around curves.
You could also automate a complete walk cycle with an action, so when you moved the body forward, the feet would step, the arms would swing, etc.
It would be more difficult to set up a rig so that the leg could be posed within a certain range, but when it moved out of that range it pulled the body along with it, but I think it could be done.
You could just extend a leg’s inverse kinematic chain up into the body, but that might be more trouble than it’s worth, in terms of counter-animation for unwanted body movements.